Once upon a time she tried again


i have contemplated starting this blog up numerous times, i have written posts saying im coming back and it never happens, i have drafts written up explaining things which i have never posted.
i have sat in front of this page more times then i can count and i just haven't been able to put into words what is truly going on inside my head, but something happened today, i had the urge to write, i had the urge to reread old posts and look at old pictures, and its made me miss the old me, only a little, because the old me, was miserable, she lied to everyone around her, she lied to her self.

Currently im jobless, and still struggling figuring out what i wanna do with my life, i have major guilt and sadness when i think about how much time i have wasted, I turned 33 this year and have nothing to show for it. My physical health hasn't been the best these past few years, my diet and weight has been yo-yoing which isn't healthy at all. I have been diagnosed with a couple of things that I'm not comfortable sharing just yet. I have been advised I need to loose some weight and be a bit healthy before an up coming surgery. so that's what I'm doing, looking after myself, all parts of myself.

I'm not doing it for anyone but myself, I am dedicating the next YEAR to me!! its time to be selfish.. 

i have to do this... my life depends on it.

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